About Me

a photo of Oscar

Hi there. I am a London based 2020 graduate looking for creative work in audio engineering, radio and web development.

During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems

Web Coding and User Experience Design

Spotify Visualiser

music can inspire incredible visual creations. With the rise of music streaming services, consuming music has never been more accessible for the listener. However, minimalistic UIs and thumbnail sized album artworks mean that there is a lack of visual excitement for the listener.

Click on the thumbnail above to be taken to the Spotify Visualiser

Echo Nest has analysed Spotify’s entire music library, creating a massive dataset that contains a wealth of information about each song – from its key and where each beat lies, to the energy and danceability of the music. However no real time, aesthetically pleasing visualisation of this data exists.

This project endeavours to explore the literature on music visualisation and existing visualisers, and showcase a prototype of a novel visualiser for Spotify. This is then tested on real users, and the results used to inform improvements and expansions of the prototype.

Audio Coding

Pyramid Scheme: Heterophonic Tremolo VST

blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blabh

The tremolo interface

Hi there. I am a London based 2020 graduate looking for creative work in audio engineering, radio and web development.

During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems During my time studying for a BEng in Electronics with Music and Audio Systems

Sound Design

NEO: Privilege Episode 1

This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah


This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah

Rat Race

This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah This is a project that i worked on doing the sound blah blah blah


jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles jingles


QUEST BLURB: music can inspire incredible visual creations. With the rise of music streaming services, consuming music has never been more accessible for the listener. However, minimalistic UIs and thumbnail sized album artworks mean that there is a lack of visual excitement for the listener.

Interview with The Pussycat Dolls

pussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dollspussycat dolls pussycat dolls

Mellow Mondays

mellow mondays mellow mondaysmellow mondays mellow monllow mondays

mellow mondays mellow mondaysmellow mondays mellow monllow mondays

mellow mondays mellow mondaysmellow mondays mellow monllow mondays

Election Debate

election debate election debate election debateelection debate election debate election debateelection debate election debate election debateelection debate election debate election debateelection debate election debate election debateelection debate election debate election debate

Live Sound

Insert about
- why I do live sound
- what skills technical skills I have
- introduce the image grid